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Name: Otavio

Surname: Lucchini

Birthday: 2 April 1992

How long have you been working at the Roberto Nuti Group? I have worked with the Group since March 2016.

What’s your current job? I am the head of international sales and in 2017 I will also follow the CIV Italian championship for Mupo.

What do you think of these duties? I find this work very interesting, especially because I’m passionate about motorcycles. I’m particularly fond of the technical side, and working on the commercial area is helping me grow significantly.

Your hobbies? I love racing bicycles, and over the last 3 years I have crossed nine different European countries.

What sort of films do you like? Action and comedy. 

Your favourite book? “A semente da vitória – Ayrton Senna”. The book is written by Nuno Cobra, the great Brazilian racer’s coach.

What’s your favourite dish? Brazilian Churrasco, and of course all the classic dishes of Romagna!

A message for our readers? Working in an industry that you’re passionate about is the best possible job. I’m really excited about my role in Mupo.